This year, Keith is leading the annual STC foray into the Okanagan. It will be held Monday May 14th to Friday May 18th. This is a training camp for road cyclists. The rides are solid but not crazy. The atmosphere is fairly casual. You are responsible for your own accommodations and food, and Keith will outline the routes each day at the meeting time and location. Most evenings, the group will go out for a group dinner if you're in to that. The rides are unsupported in terms that there is no follow van, but your cycling companions will be there.
Every participant needs to be at least an associate member of STC to participate. So other clubs are absolutely welcome to come, but everyone needs to be a member, or secondary member of STC just to cover off on the insurance check box. This year, a full member and associate member are exactly the same thing.
We'll try to have a fun social event in the Indoor Studio before hand so Keith can hold an info session on the camp and meet and touch base with anyone that is thinking of going.
If you are new to riding in the Okanagan, it is a fantastic area for cycling and hanging out.
Monday May 14: >100km ride
Tuesday May 15: >100km ride
Wednesady May 16: >150km ride
Thursday May 17: <100km br="" day="" rest-ish="" ride="">Friday May 18: >100km ride (start of long weekend)
Tuesday May 15: >100km ride
Wednesady May 16: >150km ride
Thursday May 17: <100km br="" day="" rest-ish="" ride="">Friday May 18: >100km ride (start of long weekend)
Shoot Keith an email at if you have any questions.
More info to come.