
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Film: Chasing Legends -- Wednesday, February 2

Speed Theorists,

Need a little inspiration as we wait for spring to arrive? On Wednesday, February 2 the film Chasing Legends is showing at Silver City in CrossIron Mills and the Cineplex in Westhills.

I've got tickets to the 7:00 pm showing at CrossIron Mills. Anyone else interested?


Unknown said...

I'd like to go, because I've watched dozens of downloaded movies in the last couple of months and I'd like to compensate these guys!

...I'm considering going to Westhills instead purely for time contraints. :(

Sagewood said...

See you there Darcy.

Brian B - C4

Slayer Dan said...

That looks awesome, I will have to begin my negotiations with the social coordinator at my house.

Keep you posted

Slayer Dan said...

Lockie, Darcy,
Are you guys going to Westhills then?

Just want to confirm before I get in the car and drive in the wrong direction.

you can email me at echeloncad@gmail.com or text at 403-607-4523

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